A Pilot Has Shared Crew-Exclusive Staircase and Areas on a Plane

While people know that every plane has various concealed spaces with important equipment and whatnot, there are also exclusive areas that are meant only for the crew. It is only natural that passengers cannot access those without permission, but now they can see them thanks to a pilot who has given everyone an online tour.

Every Plane Has Secrets

A Pilot Has Shown Crew-Exclusive Staircase and Areas Online On a Plane

On Twitter, Steve Giordano shared a glimpse of the crew quarters on a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. He guided his audience through the crew rest area and unveiled a concealed staircase behind a door. Climbing up the stairs, he disclosed that the plane has a couple of beds for crew members to rest and an additional seat situated in a slightly perplexing position that allows the occupant to observe the sleeping crew members.

The revelation captured people’s interest, with one individual feeling validated after hearing footsteps above them on a previous flight. Another person commented on the comfort of the crew rest area, while a third expressed gratitude for the opportunity to see an exclusive part of the plane that is not typically accessible to passengers.

The Crew Quarters Look Comfortable

A Pilot Has Shown Crew-Exclusive Staircase and Areas Online On a Plane

Many people expressed a desire to rest in the crew quarters, acknowledging that it would be more comfortable than attempting to sleep in a regular seat. Some individuals shared their previous experiences sleeping in similar conditions and described the area as cozy, where they were able to achieve a 100% sleep record. However, not everyone was enthusiastic about the idea, with some suggesting that the space looked claustrophobic or expressing hesitation about sleeping in close proximity to another person with only a curtain for privacy.

Another pilot had also disclosed hidden details about airplanes, such as the mystery of where waste goes when flushed down the toilet. Contrary to popular belief, it is not ejected directly out of the aircraft and onto the surroundings. Instead, the waste is transported through the plane’s plumbing system to the rear of the aircraft and disposed of by the ground crew after the plane lands at its destination.