New iPhone 15 Fails Bend Test as it Breaks in User’s Hands

New iPhone 15 Fails Bend Test as it Breaks in User’s Hands

Tech fans everywhere have been bragging for weeks about the new iPhone 15, and that’s in addition to nonstop advertising of the new features. But are they original, and is the phone all that techs have been making it out to be? As it turns out, one YouTuber showed the phone failing a test big time.

A Seriously Weak Phone

JerryRigEverything, the YouTuber who checked out the new phone, found that it wasn’t as tough as the advertising made it out to be. It claims that the phone has an “aerospace-grade aluminum enclosure” that makes it super durable, but that’s not what the test found.

A Seriously Weak Phone

He uploaded a clip showing the entire durability demonstration to his viewers, where he takes the new phone, bends it, and it breaks in his hand. That’s definitely not what you want from such an expensive phone.

There Are Other Issues

The failed bend test was not the only issue with the new iPhone 15. Other users came out to say they were unhappy as well.

There Are Other Issues

Some thought the price was too much and they were getting nothing new! Apple was adamant that users could expect new features, but it seemed those features were already there. They weren’t new at all. And the appearance and durability they promised certainly didn’t hold up.

Apple Has Some Explaining to Do

So it seems the new snazzy phone is not all it’s shaped up to be. Users are complaining about the price, and the video of the failed bend test became viral with over 7.9 million views! Those who saw the clip were shocked that the glass would snap like that and felt that Apple should be explaining themselves. Users should be sure that their phones won’t break if they accidentally sit on it or press it hard.

Apple Has Some Explaining to Do

Overall, there are plenty of issues regarding the new iPhone 15, and Apple fans want an explanation. No other iPhone has broken so easily like that, some explain. They’re also sad they must watch a new device get tortured in such a video, but that doesn’t stop them from being angry at the new device and its obvious flaws.