Scary Simulation Shows What Would Happen to Human Body Without a Spacesuit in Space

Pexels // @Pixabay

Venturing into the vast unknown of outer space may sound like a thrilling concept, but a recent video sheds light on the chilling realities of being lost amidst the cosmic void. Contrary to explosive Hollywood portrayals, the simulation reveals that while you might not pop like a balloon, the unsettling consequences awaiting a human without protection in space are nothing short of shocking.

The Reality of Humans Exposed in Space

There is a video going viral of the horrifying fate awaiting an unprotected human body in the unforgiving expanse of space.  In the absence of pressure, the water within us takes a gruesome turn, transitioning from a liquid to a gas through boiling. Considering our bodies are composed of approximately two-thirds water, this predicament becomes a critical concern.

YouTube // @dgeye

The video enables us to witness the haunting visual representation as the body swells, a testament to the remarkable elasticity and strength of skin in resisting external pressure. In the initial moments, gases within the body trigger a rapid expansion, leading to the rupture of lung tissues. Within a mere five seconds, the water on the surface of the eyes, skin, and mouth evaporates while the blood begins to boil. The heart inevitably slows down and comes to a halt, ultimately resulting in death by asphyxiation.

Close Encounter With the Abyss

In a harrowing incident in 1966, aerospace engineer Jim LeBlanc, working with NASA, found himself on the brink of the horrifying consequences of space exposure. During a spacesuit performance test in a vacuum chamber, the hose supplying pressurized air to his suit was accidentally disconnected.

Recalling the traumatic moment, LeBlanc described feeling the effects rapidly escalating before he succumbed to unconsciousness. He shared that he could feel the saliva on his tongue starting to bubble just before losing consciousness, and that’s the last thing he remembers.

The Paradox of Human Curiosity in Space Exploration

This chilling account raises questions about the allure of space exploration, considering the profound dangers that await those who venture into the abyss.

The human spirit’s drive for exploration, even in the face of such terrifying experiences, remains a paradoxical and fascinating aspect of our quest for knowledge beyond Earth.