40 Times Vets Encountered the Cutest Pets at Work and Just Had to Take a Picture

This article appeared in Fabcrunch and has been published here with permission.

Look at That…

There are few things cuter than a tiny pony. Having a small-sized horse as a pet is unique — not to mention that it’s pretty darn cool. Since you have such a cool pet, you need to make sure you take it to the vet regularly.

Look at That…

That’s what this person did, and this vet got a beautiful and adorable picture of the four-legged equine taking a nap while he waited to be admitted.

Put Your Head on My Shoulder

If you’re a veterinarian or you’re looking to become one, we are sure that you have a special affinity for animals. This means that you love helping them and the reciprocated love that they give you.

Put Your Head on My Shoulder

Take, for instance, this vet tech who is getting a little thank you from this cute pooch after his checkup. That’s got to be something that makes your day!

You Have Our Attention

One kitten is cute; a whole litter of kittens is cuteness overload. We don’t know how this vet was able to actually get any work done with those adorable eyes staring at them. We definitely understand why they felt they needed to stop and snap a picture.

You Have Our Attention

The vet must have been doing something pretty entertaining to capture the attention of all six of these Maine Coon kittens.

I’m a Good Boy!

Having to manage all of these pets every day has to be hard on the vets. Not only do they have to see them when they’re injured, but they have to allow them to go home even if they’re this cute.

I’m a Good Boy!

This pup is very well behaved and was even willing to pose for the vet so that they could take this adorable picture. The vet is right — this is cuteness overload!

Can I Take You Home?

There are tons of animals left behind to become strays every day. Sometimes there are humans that decide they want to help in taming the population and spend a little bit of money of their own to make sure these strays get taken care of.

Can I Take You Home?

But they often don’t keep them and so, it’s a good thing that this vet was looking for a new pet when this woman brought in this adorable cat.

Working for Her Keep

As kids, many of us were told at a certain point that we had to earn our keep. That meant doing chores and helping out around the house. This cat has the same deal. But, it’s way cuter!

Working for Her Keep

This vet has a new assistant, and it’s keeping up with all the protocols just like its boss. The only thing is that it wears the attire better!

So Fluffy!

We’re sure it’s a scientifically proven fact that having access to fuzzy kittens will help boost your mood. Having access to one is good enough, but when there are five, the joy you must feel by being embraced by them has to be heightened.

So Fluffy!

A benefit that many vets have is the fact they have access to these cute, cuddly kittens that can help boost their mood when they’re having a difficult day.

I Think There Was Something in That Brownie!

There’s something to be said for herbal medicine. Most of the time, though, that’s specifically meant for human ingestion and so, when an animal eats some, it may cause a little bit of fear. That’s why this person wound up taking their cute Chihuahua to the vet.

I Think There Was Something in That Brownie!

So, it doesn’t look like there’s much wrong with the pup. After all, looking at that smile is probably still good to get an expert’s advice. It also allowed for this vet to get a pretty adorable snapshot!


When they go to the doctor, most humans don’t tend to leave with a big smile. Even if they get good news, it’s still time spent at a doctor’s office, but that’s different when it comes to pets. Just check out this picture.


This cat seems to be pretty happy, and his vet tech is showing his grin too. In fact, these two grins look very similar, which is even funnier!

I’m Listening

It’s hard to get a puppy to pay attention. Much like kids, they have a lot of energy and they like to bounce all over the place, so when you find a pup that’s willing to sit still — especially at a vet — you have a winner.

I’m Listening

It’s even better when that pup has these adorable cute big ears, and those big brown eyes stare at you. Don’t you just want to take him home?!

Wild Animal, Where?

Occasionally as a vet, you get some pretty unique animals coming through your office. Sometimes it’s simple things like squirrels and hedgehogs, but sometimes you get really unusual ones like this lion cub.

Wild Animal, Where?

How adorable is this cute little lion cub playing with its rope toy? This vet was so lucky to have access to this animal and to be able to take this adorable picture. Better that they got the cub than the full-grown lion, though!

Real or Fake?

Sometimes when people are out in nature, they find baby animals that have either been lost or left by their parents. When this happens, especially if they’re injured, it’s often a good idea to take them to your local vet.

Real or Fake?

That must be what happened with this baby fox, which is pretty cool considering that this vet now has this amazing picture. Though it does look a little like a fake fox, we’re sure it’s real!

Do Not Disturb!

It’s hard work working all day at a vet office. We are sure many of those vet techs like to find places to curl up and take a few minutes to get some shuteye. Though it’s demanding work for the vet, we’re sure that pets find a visit to the vet also pretty tiring.

Do Not Disturb!

At least this Pomeranian did, and it found a pretty comfy spot to wait until its owners returned to pick it up.

Who Are You Wearing?

There are a lot of people out there that love to dress their pets up and have fun outfits. Sometimes this is super cute and other times, it’s ridiculous. In this case, though, it’s downright adorable! Just look at that baby goat!

Who Are You Wearing?

How lucky is this vet that their coworker owned a beautiful little baby goat that they brought in? Now, they have this picture that they can show to everybody!

Patience Is a Virtue You Know!

There are many animals that, when taken to the vet, absolutely lose their minds. They begin to pace and are not comfortable in the cages that they have to stay in before or after a procedure.

Patience Is a Virtue You Know!

So, when you find a very gentlemanly cat that has plenty of patience like this one, you have to snap a photo of them. How cute is this little guy?!

Look at Me!

Most calico kittens are female. We’re sure there’s a reason, but we have no idea, so the fact that this vet was able to take a picture of a male calico is not only adorable — but also pretty unique.

Look at Me!

This adorable little furball is a one-of-a-kind kitten, and that makes him extra special on top of being so darn cute.

I Will Have My Revenge

There are a lot of people that are either dog people or cat people. One of the reasons people choose dogs over cats might be because cats seem to have a little bit more attitude than dogs do.

I Will Have My Revenge

This vet got the chance to actually take a picture of a perfect example — just look at that face. Though patient, you know somewhere in their mind, this cute little furball is planning their revenge.

Let’s Take a Nap

There’s nothing scarier for anyone than going in for surgery. But, when you can’t share your concerns with the doctor because you speak two different languages, that makes it even scarier.

Let’s Take a Nap

Still, this veterinary clinic has a special way of taking care of their pups and other animals after surgery. Not only does the vet get a little sleep, but the dog gets some cuddles, which always makes recovery easier.

I’m Here for You

Sometimes we just need a little reassurance and so do our pets. So, after a complex surgery, having the doctor curl up next to you to give you a little love has got to be comforting. Plus, it gives the other vet techs the opportunity to take pictures like this.

I’m Here for You

How adorable is this, and why is this not this guy’s dating profile picture? We are sure he’d get tons of messages if it were!

Howl at the Moon

There are a lot of majestic creatures that live in the wild. Some of them have tragically been hunted to near extinction, and others have found a way to survive. This little wolf pup is proof of this.

Howl at the Moon

How cute and calm is this little guy?! This vet is so lucky to be able to handle such a beautiful animal. Doesn’t that face just make you want to cuddle up with him?


Though you may not get a chance to see them very often, trust us when we say that beavers are super cute animals. Sure — they can be very territorial, and we are sure even vicious occasionally, but their little faces just make you want to kiss them.


Don’t believe us? Take a look at this little guy who seems to be saying hello and smiling big for the camera.

Do You Smell Something?

Skunks get a bad rep when it comes to being a pet. Most people only consider the fact that when in danger or scared, they release a little bit of an odor that can’t be gotten rid of. That doesn’t mean they can’t make excellent pets, though.

Do You Smell Something?

This loving little skunk is all about this vet. We bet the vet is glad that he got a picture of this so that he could show people that there’s no need to fear the skunk.

Time Out!

Sometimes just like in every other situation, extreme measures have to be taken. There are some pets that have sharp teeth and, when afraid, lash out and bite. So, it appears that this vet had dealt with something like this before and created a unique way to handle it.

Time Out!

This little lizard seems to have gotten a little violent and has been put in a lizard timeout. By doing this, the vet can take this cute image and be able to ensure the X-rays are correctly handled.

This Is Not Cool

There are just some puppies that have a face that can melt your heart. Whether that’s with joy or with sadness is dependent on the situation. For this little puppy, looking into those eyes makes us sad to the point that we just want to cuddle up to him.

This Is Not Cool

Though we’re sure that this vet is taking good care of the pup, it’s clear that this little fella isn’t happy about being there. We hope that his human gives him a treat after all is said and done.


Just like humans, every pet has a personality. Sometimes they are serious, and other times they are affectionate, and occasionally you get one that’s a little goofy. Clearly, this dog falls in that category.


But, so does the vet tech apparently, as it seems that this woman is trying to imitate this hilarious face that the dog has. This definitely makes for an Instagrammable moment! It seems to us that this visit to the vet is going pretty well, or is it?

You Have a Little Something Right There

There are many different sizes of dogs in the world. And each one has a lot of love to give, but when the dog is as tall as you are, that love can be a lot. This pup is clearly happy about his experience at the vet’s office and is trying to show his appreciation.

You Have A Little Something Right There

Either that or she has some food on her face that he’s trying to clean up. Either way, this picture is super adorable!

Hold Me

Sometimes when you go to the doctor or — in this case — a vet, you just need someone to give you a little reassurance that everything is going to be OK. One of the best ways to do that is to give that person, or animal, a good hug.

Hold Me

That’s exactly what this vet is doing for this cat, and though they still look a little scared, we bet they aren’t as fearful as they used to be.

Get Him!

What do you do when you’re a vet that has to deal with a whole litter of Great Danes? These hyperactive pups all want attention, and this vet has figured out how to make sure that happens. We’re not sure this is safe, but it’s definitely cute.

Get Him!

By backing up against the wall, he made sure they could only approach from one direction and then began the loving.

That’s a Good One

Dogs and humans have a special bond, and though there are many that think that dogs don’t have a sense of humor, they would be wrong. All they would have to do is take a look at this picture to see that clearly, something got this pit bull laughing.

That’s a Good One

It’s a pretty epic and adorable picture and just makes us wonder what exactly started the laughing fit for both the vet and the pup.

How Do I Look?

It’s hard when you can’t be there when someone you love is going under the knife. That’s why when looking for a vet, finding one that really understands this is crucial. Clearly, this pet owner found a good vet.

How Do I Look?

Though it’s probably scary for her to be thinking about her cat going into surgery, this picture is not only cute but should give her a little bit of security, knowing that her pet is well cared for.

This Is My Good Side

Though the personality may change from cat to cat, each one has its own unique one. Sometimes they are goofy and other times, like this beautiful gentleman, they are a little regal. But even still, they are cute.

This Is My Good Side

This little guy got a trip around the vet office, and at the end, he wanted to pose for everyone to take his picture so they could remember him.

Shhh, I’m Trying to Nap

Just like with humans, when a pet is under stress and anxiety, it can be very exhausting. So, when they are done with their vet visits, sometimes they just need to take a little nap. This guy seems to have found a comfortable spot to do just that.

Shhh, I’m Trying to Nap

Luckily for the vet, they found him lying in this cute position and quickly reacted by whipping their phone out and taking a snapshot so they could look at this adorable picture later.

Freaky Friday

Being a vet sometimes can be pretty strenuous and taxing on the nerves. So, that means that sometimes you just have to let go and have a little fun. It appears that this vet tech completely understands that idea.

Freaky Friday

Having a little photoshoot in a freaky Friday motif may just be the thing to lighten up the mood, and it also made this adorable picture possible.


There are a lot of tasks that need to be done, and sometimes you need both hands to complete them when you work in a veterinary clinic. So, what do you do when you have a patient who is a little clingy?


If you’re this vet, you pick a pocket and set them in it. The bonus is eventually, someone will snap a picture of all the cuteness.

Handfuls of Joy

What do you do when you have a ton of adorable kittens who just won’t leave you alone? Can you try to carry them around and find places for them to hang out? Will you get your job done?

Handfuls of Joy

Of course, you don’t want to put them away in the kennel because how much fun would that be? Just look at this person who has handfuls of joy. It’s clear that this is the way to go.

This Is Wild

It isn’t only the vets that get the opportunity to play with some pretty amazing animals. Even the office staff has time to get in on the cuteness and cuddles, even from the most unexpected types of pets.

This Is Wild

This young receptionist must have felt like she was living out her childhood dreams of being in The Lion King when she got to play with this adorable little cub.

Just a Tiger!

Can you imagine being told to be careful because a tiger cub was lounging around the corner? Of course, we’re sure that this little guy isn’t really dangerous, but it would definitely make for an interesting day to have him lounging around the office.

Just a Tiger!

However, this adorable little tiger cub seems to like the camera because it’s almost as if he’s posing for it. The cat is probably pretty happy that nowadays, everybody carries the camera in their pockets.

Hopping Adorable

How many professions give you the opportunity to hold a handful of cuteness like this in your hand? There are not many, so we’re sure that this vet feels pretty lucky and loves their job. We know we would.

Hopping Adorable

We wonder what type of bunny this is because it’s seriously so cute and so fluffy. We are sure that this image, if put on her Instagram feed, racked in millions of likes almost instantaneously.

Look at That Face!

Puppies are just naturally cute. But, there are certain breeds of puppies that are even cuter, like this little wrinkled face guy. Who wouldn’t want to cuddle up with this adorable little bulldog, especially when you find out his name is Norman.

Look at That Face!

We can understand completely why this person loves their job. Not only do they get to help animals, but they also get to take adorable pictures with them as well.

Oh, Dear!

Wildlife is gorgeous when you get to see it in its natural habitat. But, when you get to see it up close and personal, it’s a whole other experience. This vet got to do that with this adorable deer.

Oh, Dear!

Now, she has a one-of-a-kind memory of this picture that not everyone has, which is a beautiful thing. We wish we could be so lucky and have this amazing experience!

Pounds of Cuteness

Few people enjoy being weighed, unlike this dog. This Reddit user uploaded this image of her chunky, yet adorable, dog during her annual check-up. Luckily, despite the dog being 11 years old, she doesn’t have any major health issues.

Pounds of Cuteness

The dog’s owner also shared that unlike many other pets, her dog loves going to the vet because of how much attention she gets from the staff. With a face like that, we’d be fawning over her too!

Flower Power

Going to the vet is a stressful experience for most dogs. While many dogs would try to hide or cry, this dog decided to put on a brave face and smile throughout the visit. Between her fluffy ears and her adorable little smile, it’s no wonder that this veterinarian had to stop and take a selfie.

Flower Power

We especially like the dog’s unique flower-shaped neck brace. Judging by this puppy’s smile, we’re sure they’re feeling better!

Celebrating a Clean Bill of Health

Most people think of their pets as members of the family. So when a pet receives some scary news regarding their health, it can be an especially difficult time. Thanks to the hard work of this veterinarian, Toph the dog was able to make it.

Celebrating a Clean Bill of Health

This photo was snapped at the exact moment in which Toph was told he would be able to go home. According to Toph’s owners, the brave pup was rewarded with her favorite treat – puppy-safe ice cream.

Otter-ly Adorable!

Otters are sometimes described as one of the cutest animals in the world. These aquatic mammals spend most of their lives near or in the water so it must have been surprising to see this little pup on dry land.

Otter-ly Adorable!

This Reddit user, and employee at a vet clinic, shared this heartwarming photo of an otter being fed. While they didn’t share how or why the otter ended up at the clinic, we’re confident that it’s receiving the best care possible.


Waiting to be seen at a vet clinic can be exhausting, so why not try to rest? This puppy decided to make himself comfortable as he waited for the veterinarian to examine him.


While most puppies would be anxious or trying to escape, this puppy prefers to relax as he stretches across the examination table. Judging by his calm demeanor, we have a feeling that future vet visits will be very easy.

Koala-ity Time With my Vet

Koalas are one of the most well-known marsupials in the world. Despite their popularity, koalas face many threats including habitat destruction, predators, and disease. Luckily, there are many devoted veterinarians dedicated to saving this iconic Australian species.

Koala-ity Time With my Vet

This vet can be seen performing a checkup on a koala at her clinic. Considering the vet brought some delicious eucalyptus leaves for the koala to munch on, it’s no surprise that the koala feels completely comfortable during its checkup.

This Little Piggy Went to the Vet

Many people would be surprised to know that finding a vet who specializes in treating pigs can be very difficult. Pigs are notoriously difficult patients, and given how large they can be, can also be dangerous to treat or examine.

This Little Piggy Went to the Vet

Thankfully, this little pig seems calm and content in his wagon as he waits to be seen by his veterinarian. He even looks like he’s trying to get in a quick nap before being seen.

Too Many Toes

Most cat lovers would agree that cat toes, or “toe beans”, are one of the cutest features of a cat. This Reddit user, and veterinarian, shared an image of an adorable orange cat with a very unique feature – extra toes!

Too Many Toes

It turns out that cats with extra toes are surprisingly common. These extra toes are the result of a genetic mutation. Cats with extra “toe beans” are called polydactyl, though many would just call them adorable!

Bundles of Puppies

One of the best things about being a veterinarian is getting to play with puppies. This veterinarian took full advantage of puppy time when she decided to snuggle with an entire litter of puppies.

Bundles of Puppies

Because the puppies came in for a routine checkup, their snuggle session wasn’t as long as she had hoped. While being a veterinarian can be very difficult, it’s nice to see some of the perks associated with the job!

Like Birds of a Feather

While we typically associate the veterinarian with our furry pets, vets also treat animals of the feathered variety. This veterinarian helped rescue and treat this owl resulting in a thank you that we’re sure he’ll never forget.

Like Birds of a Feather

This horned owl must have remembered the vet who rescued her because as soon as they were reunited again, she kept nuzzling him. At one point, it even seemed like she was hugging him!

Excuse Me!

Puppies are not known for their patience, but this little guy seems to have it in spades! Either that or, like his owner says, he has a little crush on the doctor — which we can all understand as they do see each other regularly.

Excuse Me!

We just hope he’s sitting far enough from the door to let her back in without any issues. Even still, this little guy sure is adorable.

I Got Your Back

You have a little ball of adorableness on your shoulder. This little kitten seems to have found her spot and is not willing to give it up no matter what. So, that makes this vet tech job a little more difficult, but she found a way to handle it.

I Got Your Back

This adorable picture shows that they put the kitten on watch duty, and the cute furball is taking it pretty seriously.

Give Me a Kiss

Dogs love to show their gratitude and affection in a whole slew of different ways. One of these is, of course, by giving you big slobbery kisses. This dog seems to be pretty grateful to this vet for what he does for him.

Give Me a Kiss

Or maybe the vet is just trying to distract the pup so they can get all the tests done for their checkup. Either way, it makes for one adorable picture.

How May I Help You?

It seems like you have to compete with more and more people for jobs these days. You know it’s bad when you lose your job to a person that can’t even speak. But then again, when they are this cute, we might understand the decision.

How May I Help You?

It seems that this vet has chosen to bring their pet to work, and the adorable golden retriever has found their new calling.

Sinking Suspicions

Sometimes animals, just like humans, look to find a place they feel safe when in a stressful situation. One of the places many feel the most anxious is, of course, at the doctor. These cats seem to be looking for that safe place right now.

Sinking Suspicions

Unfortunately, they found their place, and it was the same one. It might not be the most comfortable for them, but it definitely makes for an adorable picture for the vet.